
Everyone at Arkitema works with aesthetics.

Architecture orchestrates the interplay of space, materials, sounds and light, setting the stage for our experience of the world. It is the balance between the different elements of architecture that unlocks the overall aesthetic potential.

Arkitema Hammershus 66 Photo Rasmus Hjortshoj web
Aesthetics are core to our activities, and everyone works with aesthetics – in some form or another – regardless of project phase and level of detail.

Our designs are co-created

Our architecture does not come from the pen of one star architect. Instead, it comes from the values we share and the collaborations we have. Our projects are realised by openly discussing pros and cons of aesthetic choices with each other and by including customers and users in the process. We believe that we can create more beauty as a team than singlehandedly, simply because, in that way, we take more perspectives and backgrounds into account.

Empathic architecture

Architecture must show empathy towards its inhabitants. This happens through the eyes and ears of us, who design. We simply put ourselves in their stead. Architecture is empathic when it takes a starting point in people. Their bodies, their minds, their hopes for the future. When we activate this in a building, we are very aware of the significance of scale and proportions, material tactility, soundscapes created by the surfaces and the visual interplay of elements. Architecture is a living phenomenon, which combines into the total sensuous experience for people.

Architecture that gives back to its context

Architecture is the discipline that releases the aesthetic potential of any given context. We want to create architecture that gives back to its surroundings and community. Our architecture should reflect an understanding of its surroundings. It must tread respectfully in physical, environmental and socio-cultural contexts in a coherent manner. The building should not consider itself more important than the entity.

We are rooted in Scandinavian architecture

Architecture is one of the ways in which communities and entire civilizations gain a collective voice and make an imprint on the cultural history of humanity. Through their aesthetic journey in architecture, Scandinavian communities have been defining their own identities. Arkitema is rooted in the traditions of Scandinavian architecture and design, which in turn stem from the essence of our society: The democratic welfare society, which always seeks to maintain a mindful social balance. Our cities, buildings, landscape represent this tradition – in terms of history, culture and architecture.

Everything we do has aesthetic potential

Every choice we make in an architectural project is a potential contribution to its aesthetic quality. Therefore, the aesthetic quality of any project depends on us being aware of the holistic setting, constantly maintaining a balance between all instruments of architecture. The instruments are all the project sub-elements and the final project is a result of the harmonious interplay between them – landscape, structure, spatial organisation, materiality, sound, light and temperature. The aesthetic value of architecture must be achieved through conscious choices in all project phases – from concept to detail.

We experience, understand and act in the world through our senses – through aesthetics

Aesthetics comes from Greek aisthesis, which means 'sensation', 'sense', 'feeling'. Architecture shapes our everyday lives by influencing how we experience, understand and act in the world. As a company, we live by developing solutions that change the world. A beautiful world is a world worth living – and filled with aesthetics.

Below, you can dive deeper into what aesthetics mean for each segment specifically.