Mary Elisabeth's Hospital
Architecture that integrates with its surroundings and spatially connects the city, landscape, and building.

A good welfare project always starts with the context, the landscape, and the human scale

Arkitema 3 XN Børne Riget 02 web

Mary Elisabeth's Hospital
A playful design concept with soft shapes and spatial variation that appeals to humans.

Arkitema Link NAV norra entrén web

Växjö Emergency Hospital
Identity-giving gable motifs that refer to the local context.

A health project, rooted in Nordic aesthetics, supports welcoming and robust buildings and a healing architecture

Arkitema Sundhedshus Holstebro 07 Photo Niels Nygaard web

Center for Health, Holstebro
Integrated art and material choices that support the robust and flexible use of the atrium for stays and activities in aesthetic frames.

Arkitema Gødstrup Hospital Photo Niels Nygaard 18 web

Gødstrup Regional Hospital
Well-defined surfaces in robust materials age beautifully, creating a space where architecture, integrated art, and beautiful furnishings come together.