
A framework for life

Arkitema's understanding of functionality is based on the human being. Our architecture must therefore always relate to how we create the best framework for life. Functional architecture is a human-friendly architecture that creates welfare and well-being. Humans are connected to the Earth. Therefore, when designing our society, it is an absolute necessity that we do so in balance with the planet. We therefore strive to ensure that our buildings and urban spaces support sustainable living and have the least possible climate impact and resource consumption.

Arkitema Erlev Skole Photo Niels Nygaard 19 web
We believe that the functional architecture of the future arises in the respectful and harmonious meeting between the needs of people and the planet's boundaries
Space preillustration

Ambassadors to the future

We make ourselves ambassadors to the future by including future users in our view of functionality. The future perspective makes our architecture sustainable and evokes long-term solutions. This means that we always take a critical stance on the building programme and the short-term gains and challenge habitual thinking. We want to ensure that future users also get value from our architecture and experience that our buildings and urban spaces are full of possibilities. Not limitations.

Function through collaboration

One of the keys to good functionality comes through our insistence on being in dialogue with users. We know that the best results come from close and respectful collaborations, where all parties have their say. Functionality is something we define together in an inclusive and open process where we always have a critical look at conventions. In this way, we ensure that our solutions push society in the right direction.

Generosity as a function

Our architecture must be generous. This means that we always strive to create projects that give something back. To the surroundings and to the public. Whether we are talking about housing or urban spaces, part of the function is that everyone should benefit from the project. A generous architecture encourages us to share more and consume less. A generous architecture is inclusive and provides equal opportunities for all. When generosity is part of the function, we ensure that our architecture is relevant and that it supports our community and society.

Adaptable architecture

Our architecture must be adaptable. We do not want to leave behind static monuments, but dynamic frameworks that invite people to use, transform and then use them again and again. This means that in our basic understanding of functionality, we include concepts such as flexibility, robustness and resilience. An adaptable architecture also takes context seriously. We create architecture that relates and adapts to the cultural, historical, architectural and social meanings and values that our surroundings contain. The goal is to create architecture that serves as a useful and durable link between the past and future of a site.

Below, you can dive deeper into what aesthetics mean for each segment specifically.