An architectural design is therefore a response to a problem that we must first understand and familiarize ourselves with throughout the project. At the same time, the conditions often change and our design must be able to absorb that.

Our process: The three points, Aesthetics, Function, and Sustainability are equal and we continuously change the angle of view, perspective, and scale. They must always be seen in context. We are always investigative and questioning throughout the process to uncover its character and inherent design challenges. We take pride in and strive to be the one who solves and is responsible for the whole and understands the entire project - we are not just one of many disciplines. Our architectural success largely depends on the process and collaboration with other parties, therefore we always work to create co-ownership among all parties. In the process, we focus on where our proposal can create added value for the client and the overall project. We work with the task - not against it.

ENERGI Ø BORNHOLM Bygninger og landskab
  • We must understand the functionality to create aesthetics and sustainability potential. We make sure to bring architecture high on the agenda, but always in respect of technical needs.
  • Technology is constantly changing and it means that we always have to question the solution.
  • The technical conditions are the potential of architecture
  • We consider both people and machines. We focus on how human needs are considered - also in technical facilities - both in terms of scale, safety, daylight, and flow, so we ensure a good working life and positive stimulation of our senses.
  • Material choices are always based on thorough considerations of placement, their role, and patination, where operation is also considered. We are aware that there is a difference between those that are closer to humans, and those that we merely view from a distance.
FSK Skybrudsprojekt HOFOR web
We consciously work to ensure that architecture is experienced from a distance, up close and in detail. We are conscious of how our tools are best brought into play in terms of scale, function and viewing distance.
Arkitema Linak II Photo Niels Nygaard

We must dare to wait for design until we understand function and the relationship to context. What should the building be able to do - both to fulfil its immediate function, but also its function in its place in society.

We always prepare a design manual:

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