
Architecture should reach beyond its own time

Creativity, innovation, a holistic approach, and respect for context are part of our DNA. The sustainability challenges that we are facing require a new set of aesthetics and a new approach to our built environment. Architecture is not only a symbol of its own time; it should also enable a sustainable way of life in the future. Our creations can be seen as a convergence of societal structures, nature, and economic systems, where all three can co-exist and benefit from one another. Our ambitious goal is to go beyond minimising harmful impact, towards a regenerative approach where we renew, revitalise and add value to planet and society with each realised design.

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We are in a phase where transformative change is necessary, which opens the window for innovation, for new ideas and new paradigms — Johan Rockström, Stockholm Resilience Center

The climate crisis and declining biodiversity are two of the greatest challenges facing humans beings on planet Earth today. Planetary risks are so large that business as usual is no longer an option.


The journey towards zero emissions

Arkitema takes part in the worldwide transition towards a net zero emission. We are already declining new projects promoting the use of fossil fuels. We want all our projects to be driven by the green transition. We use and develop methods in life cycle assessments to attain valid environmental input, preceding our design choices. The life cycle assessments are used from the earliest design phases. The pursuit to reduce CO₂ emissions include optimizing area plans and structure. Our abundant knowledge on timber construction and the sharing of this knowledge throughout Scandinavia will play a large role in the years to come.

Circular actions through resource awareness

We adopt the principles of circular economy and always consider the possibilities for renovation and transformation as well as re-used, recycled and biobased materials. We propose alternative design solutions to our customers and challenge their approach. We highlight the potential of refurbishment, design for disassembly, and flexible, multi-purpose buildings and spaces. The resources we use come from renewable sources as often as possible, and we communicate the benefits of such design choices.

To be interesting, be interested

We have a strong focus on co-creation and supporting our customers’ green transition by pointing out sustainability potentials. We share our knowledge to move all stakeholders towards a sustainable future. In a pursuit to make interesting, relevant and long-lasting architecture, we are curious about each other's professional fields.

Sustainable architecture requires both quantitative and qualitative parameters to be considered between architects, engineers, users, customers and scientific fields, thus contributing to evidence-based design.

Architecture we love will last longer

It is not an easy task for the construction sector to give back to the environment and undo harm done when we rely so heavily on material resources. It is essential that we bring into the world architecture that people love. Buildings we love last longer and can be transformed when change is needed. The qualities dormant in an existing building structure cannot be replaced by tearing it down and starting over, because not only resources are lost in the process.

Nature is our baseline for design

We prioritise biodiversity in all types of projects, and our architectural approach makes room for nature on nature's own premises. Meanwhile, we must remedy consequences of climate change, e.g. handle extreme weather events. We want to fill our cities with healthy, beautiful and comfortable spaces for people, but also for the benefit of flora and fauna. We plan for the least possible loss of existing nature and an increase in establishment of new nature, in synergy with local conditions. Through our concept of nature-based design, we emphasize regeneration and living conditions in both city and scenic nature. When doing so, we choose materials that do not harm the environment or habitats.

We treat everyone equally by treating them individually

Social sustainability matters in all our projects. We believe that community and equality are the foundation of a healthy and safe society. Arkitema's architecture is built on a social and sustainable culture, bringing ethics and aesthetics closer together. Our cities and buildings are planned to be mindful of the mutual good of the community, without being negligent of individual needs. This goes for both indoor and outdoor climate, public or private areas, accessibility etc. We bring forward the idea of "Less for me – more for us" in a continuous balance between user needs and consumption.

Below, you can dive deeper into what aesthetics mean for each segment specifically.