

Our architectural guidelines are structured around three main themes:

Aesthetics, Functionality & Sustainability

As you delve deeper into what these themes mean for our future homes, welfare projects and sustainable cities, you will find that they overlap and have a lot in common. This is the way it should be; no parameter exists on its own and everything is linked together.


Intro online

The aim of Arkitema's architectural guidelines is to:

Provide a common direction for our future architecture

We aim to set the architectural bar high! We want to design sustainable and future proof cities that are rooted in Scandinavian principles. Our architecture should be built on common understanding of aesthetics, functionality and sustainability. The world is challenged. Architects are one of the main contributors and business as usual is no longer an option. The way forward is innovation and co-creation which is what Arkitema aims to stand for. Sustainable focus must be an integral part of the entire design process and be seen in all of our projects.

We are strongest when have a common goal and our brand reflects that.


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Our path forward is us

The capability of each employee is our most valuable goods we offer our customers. Simultaneously, as it turns out, we already have the ingredients for the change we want to create; dedicated and highly professional minds. In a way, parts of the guide were already there – like pieces of a puzzle that were already part of our identity but awaiting to be picked up and placed to see the motive clearer.

Future Homes

We have gathered our architectural guidelines online instead of print in order for it to stay dynamic. We see our guidelines as a common direction that can and should continuously be polished and developed further. More content will be added over time and we hope that you'll revisit our architectural guidelines regularly and include them in your design process. If you would like to contribute to the content, please contact your local studio partner:

Mette Baarup, Aarhus

Dorthe Keis, Copenhagen

Per Axelsson, Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö

Astrid Seeberg, Oslo