We focus on durable materials/designs that stand the test of time

Det kgl bibliotek Aarhus Photo Niels Nygaard 04

Royal Danish Library, Aarhus University
Transformation of former basement depot into attractive study environment (cheap m²)

We want to create architecture that ensures wellbeing and supports learning (daylight, indoor climate and contact with outdoor spaces)

Arkitema Danmarks Medie og Journalisthøjskole Photo Niels Nygaard 14 web

DMJX, Aarhus
Integrated solar shading.

Arkitema 04 overlund skoven web

Lysningen in Viborg
A school and community center - to be used 24/7 and form a framework for new communities. Here we incorporate fixed solar shading (partial) and certified to DGNB gold.

We aim at reducing C02, minimize resource consumption, focus on biodiversity. And at the same time we want to restore nature.

Arkitema Sophie Radich Photo Nils Petter Dahle 3998 web

Sophie Radich School, Oslo
The school is built with solid wood and wooden facades. Designed as BREEAM excellent (not certified)

Arkitema Lyreskovskolen 14 Photographer Niels Nygaard web

Lyreskov School, Bov, DK
Rainwater from the site runs into a ditch/gutter and is collected in a school lake.

Arkitema Erlev Skole Photo Niels Nygaard 09 web

Erlev School, Haderslev, DK
CO₂: Footprint building materials: 5.9 kg CO₂ / m²/ year Footprint operation: 2.6 kg CO₂ / m² / year
Total: 8.5 kg CO₂ / m² / year.
Fixed solar shading, good contact with outdoor space, wood as primary material.

Arkitema Sophie Radich Photo Nils Petter Dahle 5381 web