Skoven final2 2022 06 03 105419 dbvp
1. We work with biodiversity and climate as a fundamental condition for planning and design.
Pladsen final3
20210317 farvelagt plan 1 12500
20210226 Sandstrand 20 år
2. We develop climate adaptation and coastal defence as adaptive and nature-based solutions through interdisciplinary collaborations
Må jeg klappe fåret uden kant
14 12 2022 Masterplan 1 5000 A2 med skygger 01
Birdeye galeonen måge uden kant PCA99159
Søvang birdeye
20210715 Situationsplan 1 25000 hovedgreb 03
3. Our planning and design of buildings, urban spaces and landscapes create favourable microclimatic conditions that support social life.
IMG 1560
4. we co-create both ambitious and realisable solutions
Arkitema Vollsmose Bygade 10 Photographer Lars Just
IMG 1211